A propos de LSI

International Education Since 1965

The LSI story began back in 1965 when we opened our first school in Kensington, London. Our global network has since expanded to our current fourteen schools spanning seven countries.

In that time hundreds of thousands of satisfied students have passed through our doors. We believe our continued success stems from the quality of our language learning provision and our determination to help every student achieve.

​Depuis 1965, nous avons enseigné avec succès à des centaines de milliers d'étudiants du monde entier. Voici pourquoi...

International atmosphere

You will meet students from all over the world and share the experience of learning a foreign language.

Central locations

With centrally located schools in some of the most desirable cities in the world, LSI students have access to a wide variety of social and cultural activities.

We will find the right level for you

On your first day, we will establish your level and needs with a written test and an interview, and place you in the best class for your level.

Interactive classrooms

At LSI, languages are taught in a dynamic and energetic way. We believe active communication in the classroom is the most effective way of learning – by speaking you will achieve fluency.

Language competence certificate

You receive a certificate on your last day, stating the course attended and the level attained, as proof of your language competence. A report is available if required.

Quality inspected homestays

Contact with other students and local people makes sure you practise these skills outside the classroom.

Quality inspected homestays

Contact with other students and local people makes sure you practise these skills outside the classroom.

Multicentre courses

Multicentre Courses allow you to learn and live the language in more than one LSI location.

Small classes, excellent teachers

Regular individual counselling and effective course design ensure that you make rapid progress in key communication skills. Our teachers are carefully selected, friendly, helpful, and ready to listen.

Fully equipped language centres

LSI Language Centres are fully equipped with up-to-date materials and resources in comfortable surroundings. Computer rooms are readily available for use during lessons or for self-study. Programmes range from intonation practice to grammar and vocabulary development.

Free WiFi

LSI students receive FREE WiFi internet access in school.


​Vous pouvez apprendre l'anglais dans l'une de nos écoles en Angleterre, au Canada, aux États-Unis, en Nouvelle-Zélande ou en Australie. Nous avons également des centres de langues en France et en Suisse. LSI collabore également avec des écoles de langues partenaires en Espagne, en Italie, au Mexique, au Panama et au Costa Rica.

​Des écoles modernes équipées des toutes dernières technologies-icon ​Des écoles modernes équipées des toutes dernières technologies

​Des écoles modernes équipées des toutes dernières technologies

​Nous mettons à la disposition de nos étudiants des outils innovants pour qu'ils apprennent les langues de manière immersive et efficace

​Des destinations attrayantes au cœur des villes-icon ​Des destinations attrayantes au cœur des villes

​Des destinations attrayantes au cœur des villes

​Nos écoles sont situées au cœur des villes et permettent de vivre des expériences d'apprentissage immersives, tout en profitant d'un environnement culturel dynamique.

​Des professeurs compétents et bienveillants-icon ​Des professeurs compétents et bienveillants

​Des professeurs compétents et bienveillants

​Les enseignants de LSI possèdent de solides compétences pédagogiques et l'ensemble du personnel a été soigneusement sélectionné pour garantir à tous les étudiants de LSI un accueil chaleureux et un accompagnement personnalisé. Ils sont à votre disposition pour vous guider tout au long de vos études.

​Choisissez votre niveau de langue-icon ​Choisissez votre niveau de langue

​Choisissez votre niveau de langue

​Quel que soit votre niveau actuel dans la langue que vous souhaitez apprendre, et quels que soient vos besoins, ce site Internet vous permettra de trouver le cours de langue qui vous convient.

​LSI a un seul objectif : veiller à ce que vous viviez la meilleure expérience possible d'apprentissage d'une langue. Notre expérience garantit votre réussite. Notre site Internet vous apportera la plupart des informations dont vous avez besoin sur Language Studies International (LSI). Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.


​Déclaration de mission de LSI

LSI Education aims to help all of our students develop as individuals, enhancing their confidence, maturity, and ability to integrate in a multicultural world as well as helping them to achieve their academic goals.

We are dedicated to providing a quality language training programmes in the country where the language is spoken to students from a rich and diverse set of backgrounds. Studying with and being part of this diverse student body is, in itself, a significant part of the LSI learning experience.

We aim to provide excellent and inspiring instruction combined with the high standards of service and student accommodation in a multicultural learning environment which promotes the shared core international values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and for those without faith.

We aim to put the student at the centre of what we do.

We therefore aim to provide:

  • A comprehensive system of pastoral and personal support, so students feel they are part of a caring, family environment in which they can develop personally and their wellbeing is of the upmost importance.
  • Guidance and information to enable students to make the best possible choices.
  • A safe and comfortable learning environment.
  • A quality negotiated syllabus that ensures student needs are at the heart of the programmes.
  • Student accommodation that contributes positively to the students’ overall cultural and learning experience.
  • A range of enriching social and cultural experiences via our programme.
  • A close working relationship with parents, ETOs and stakeholders to ensure we avoid problems or are able to resolve them quickly and effectively through clear communication.




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