
1. ... first name is Barbara.
  • A. She
  • B. Him
  • C. Her
  • D. He
2. How are you?
  • A. I'm 20
  • B. Fine, thanks
  • C. How about you?
  • D. I'm Peter
3. ... do you come to school? By bus
  • A. Where
  • B. Who
  • C. How
  • D. When
4. She ... long dark hair.
  • A. 's
  • B. have
  • C. is
  • D. has got
5. Where ... from?
  • A. he comes
  • B. does he come
  • C. he come
  • D. do he come
6. He ... hungry but we ...
  • A. is/isn't
  • B. isn't/are
  • C. is/are
  • D. are/aren't
7. They ... here yesterday.
  • A. were
  • B. be
  • C. are
  • D. was
8. I went to Manchester ... Tuesday.
  • A. next
  • B. the
  • C. at
  • D. on
9. ... you like some coffee?
  • A. Are
  • B. Would
  • C. Do
  • D. Will
10. There's only ... milk in the bottle.
  • A. a little
  • B. a lot
  • C. a few
  • D. a bit
11. He lives in ... small town in ... West.
  • A. one/---
  • B. the/the
  • C. a/the
  • D. ---/the
12. What ... you ...? I'm a doctor.
  • A. are/doing
  • B. work/do
  • C. do/do
  • D. is/job
13. ... people came to your party?
  • A. How many
  • B. There are
  • C. How much
  • D. Did
14. Excuse me, ... a bank near here?
  • A. there is
  • B. is it
  • C. it is
  • D. is there
15. France is ... England.
  • A. bigger that
  • B. more big than
  • C. bigger than
  • D. bigger as
16. ... to Scotland yet? No, but we want to go next week.
  • A. Are you
  • B. Were you
  • C. Have you been
  • D. Did you go
17. John ... with his sister in London at the moment.
  • A. lives
  • B. has lived
  • C. is living
  • D. lived
18. Can I have ... water, please?
  • A. some
  • B. a
  • C. one
  • D. any
19. How old ... when you left school?
  • A. were you
  • B. will you be
  • C. have you been
  • D. are you
20. Karen ... a newspaper every day.
  • A. is buying
  • B. buys
  • C. don't buy
  • D. buys not
21. Mark ... here since last Friday.
  • A. was
  • B. has been
  • C. is
  • D. will be
22. ... anything on Saturday evening?
  • A. Will you do
  • B. Are you doing
  • C. What are you doing
  • D. Do you make
23. ... four cups of tea this morning, and it's only 9 o'clock.
  • A. I've had
  • B. I had
  • C. I have
  • D. I drink
24. I ... so I didn't hear the phone.
  • A. have slept
  • B. slept
  • C. was sleeping
  • D. had slept
25. Tomorrow is Sunday so I ... get up early.
  • A. mustn't
  • B. haven't
  • C. don't need
  • D. don't have to
26. My landlady asked me if I ... to stay another month.
  • A. like
  • B. had liked
  • C. would like
  • D. liked
27. Oh, no! My car's been stolen. Don't panic ... the police.
  • A. I call
  • B. I'm calling
  • C. I'll call
  • D. I go to call
28. When ... her?
  • A. have you seen
  • B. did you last see
  • C. last you saw
  • D. you saw
29. Look out! It ... .
  • A. falls
  • B. will fall
  • C. goes to fall
  • D. 's going to fall
30. If you break it, you ... to buy a new one.
  • A. would have
  • B. must
  • C. had
  • D. will have
31. I ... here for over half an hour.
  • A. am waiting
  • B. have been waiting
  • C. wait
  • D. was waiting
32. It's very late so she ... asleep.
  • A. will probably
  • B. can be
  • C. must be
  • D. shall be
33. This room looks terrible. It ... decorated for years.
  • A. hasn't been
  • B. can't be
  • C. needs to be
  • D. is being
34. He never plays sport and ... .
  • A. so do I
  • B. neither does his brother
  • C. and me too
  • D. and neither I
35. I ... it, if I had the time.
  • A. had done
  • B. will do
  • C. did
  • D. would do
36. If you're feeling tired, you ... to bed.
  • A. had better go
  • B. should
  • C. would better go
  • D. had better to go
37. They wouldn't have been so angry if you ... them the truth.
  • A. would tell
  • B. had told
  • C. would have told
  • D. were telling
38. When we were young our parents ... us stay up late.
  • A. never let
  • B. wouldn't allow
  • C. didn't allow
  • D. never agreed
39. If you go to Japan, you may have to ... with chopsticks.
  • A. used to eat
  • B. get used to eat
  • C. be used to eat
  • D. get used to eating
40. Wine ... from grapes.
  • A. make
  • B. is made
  • C. makes
  • D. is making
41. Would you mind ... me a favour?
  • A. making
  • B. to do
  • C. to make
  • D. doing
42. The teacher said he ... the word in a dictionary.
  • A. would look after
  • B. will look after
  • C. looks for
  • D. would look up
43. You can see that Frank really ... his father. He looks just like him.
  • A. takes to
  • B. takes after
  • C. takes from
  • D. takes off
44. That's the person ... I couldn't remember.
  • A. who's name
  • B. which name
  • C. whose name
  • D. the name of which
45. Many people would just ... not have anything to do with computers.
  • A. prefer
  • B. rather
  • C. better
  • D. have
46. It's no use ... to learn about sailing by reading books.
  • A. trying
  • B. to try
  • C. try
  • D. in trying
47. They're planning a new road and our house is to be ... .
  • A. knocked off
  • B. knocked down
  • C. knocked over
  • D. knocked up
48. "Could I borrow your car" "I'd rather you ... , if you don't mind."
  • A. don't
  • B. couldn't
  • C. didn't
  • D. won't
49. At no time ... to help us.
  • A. didn't he offer
  • B. he has offered
  • C. he offered
  • D. did he offer
50. I wish I ... work so hard.
  • A. wouldn't have to
  • B. hadn't to
  • C. didn't have to
  • D. don't have to
51. Please describe in approximately 100 words your language learning experience to date (school, apprenticeship, language study abroad, etc.) and your current language goals (exam, special needs, etc.)