LSI Homestays in London

LSI works with homestay hosts throughout London (zones 2-6) but most standard homestay accommodation is in zones 3 and 4, with the majority of executive homestays in zones 2 and 3. The key factor in selecting homestays is the travel time to the schools, which can mean homing students in the outer zones (4 -5) which have excellent transport links. At London Hampstead we also have a small number of homestay hosts within walking distance of the school.

All our homestays have central heating and many are carpeted to provide additional warmth and comfort. Whilst we have a wide range of families from different cultural backgrounds and age groups, the majority of hosts are in the 30-40 age range, often with young families and pets, or are retired. Our homestays are located in safe, residential areas and are split evenly between apartments and houses, with most homestay houses having a garden which the students have access to.

Additional requirements for Homestay Hosts in London

  • Homestay hosts  must have Wi-Fi and allow free access to students ​​
  • Homestay hosts should contact the school by email whenever possible rather than by phone ​​
  • Students should be given access to the kitchen in the evenings (within a sensible limit) ​​

Tornar-se uma Família Anfitriã

Hospede nossos alunos estrangeiros e conheça pessoas de diferentes países e culturas.

Homestay Host Application

Sign Up as an LSI Homestay Host Today! Speak to an LSI representative today to see about hosting our international students. Find out more.