LSI-Gastfamilien in Boston

LSI Boston’s homestays are located throughout Boston and the surrounding area. Our hosts come from many different backgrounds, representing the true diversity of the USA. We have several hosts who were born in other countries and who speak another language in addition to English. Some of our hosts work, while some are retired. Some hosts have children who live at home.

We currently have several hosts in the Dorchester area, and a few in the Malden and Winthrop areas. We are currently trying to recruit homestays in other parts of the city as well, especially homes that are close to the school and that have a short commute time. Having a private bathroom for student's use is also a plus!

Additional requirements for Homestay Host in Boston

  • All of our homestays must be accessible by public transportation (the bus or the T) with a commute time of less than an hour from home to school
  • Hosts must have Wi-Fi and allow free access to students
  • Homestays must be in a safe neighborhood
  • English must be the primary language spoken in the home

Bewerben Sie sich als Gastfamilie

Beherbergen Sie unsere internationalen Kursteilnehmer und lernen Sie Leute aus verschiedenen Ländern und Kulturen kennen.

Gastfamilie Bewerbung

Melden Sie sich als LSI-Gastfamilie! Sprechen Sie mit LSI über Ihre Absicht, fremdsprachige Schüler bei sich aufzunehmen. Erfahren Sie mehr.