LSI-Gastfamilien in San Diego

LSI works with homestays throughout San Diego County. We recruit homestay hosts that have good transport links and are within a 50 minute commute by bus or trolley from the homestay to the school. While students will typically use transportation on their own, we encourage our hosts to help them acclimate to the bus and trolley routes, and assist with their commute where possible. All our homestays are in safe neighbourhoods.

Additional requirements for Homestay Hosts in San Diego

  • Hosts must have Wi-Fi and allow free access to students
  • ​Hosts  should contact the school whenever possible by email rather than by phone
  • Hosts should  include students in the family activities whenever possible
  • Homestays must provide students with private rooms with locking doors
  • English must be the only language spoken in the student’s presence
  • Students should have access to the kitchen and be allocated storage space in the fridge
  • Pets should be prevented from entering a student’s room (unless specified otherwise by the student)

Bewerben Sie sich als Gastfamilie

Beherbergen Sie unsere internationalen Kursteilnehmer und lernen Sie Leute aus verschiedenen Ländern und Kulturen kennen.

Gastfamilie Bewerbung

Melden Sie sich als LSI-Gastfamilie! Sprechen Sie mit LSI über Ihre Absicht, fremdsprachige Schüler bei sich aufzunehmen. Erfahren Sie mehr.