LSI Homestays in San Francisco/Berkeley

LSI works with homestay hosts throughout the East Bay (Berkeley, Oakland, Albany, El Cerrito, and Richmond). Homestays must be within 45 minutes on public transportation (AC Transit or BART) to participate in the homestay programme.

All of our homestays have wi-fi access. Hosts come from an array of cultural backgrounds, but English is the primary language in the home. Most hosts are in their 40s or 50s with families and pets, or are retired. Most homestays are located close to public transportation and require no more than 20 minutes walking. Hosts mostly live in houses with yards, but a few live in apartments.

Additional requirements for Homestay Hosts in Berkeley

  • Hosts must have Wi-Fi and allow free access to students
  • Hosts should contact the school whenever possible by email rather than by phone
  • Students should be given access to the kitchen in the evenings (within a sensible limit)

Conviértase en familia anfitriona

Albergue a nuestros estudiantes internacionales y conozca a personas de diferentes países y culturas.

Homestay Host Application

Sign Up as an LSI Homestay Host Today! Speak to an LSI representative today to see about hosting our international students. Find out more.