Language Learning System
We're passionate about language learning. That's why we're constantly reviewing the latest trends and methodology in the field.
Academic staff from every LSI school participate in the research and development of our programmes. We ensure that the latest theories of language learning are considered and evaluated throughout our centres.
That's why every one of our schools is a healthy environment for learning. It also means that our students benefit from a massive academic team based throughout 14 schools in 7 different countries. Developed and refined over the last 40 years, the following points are fundamental to our language learning system:
Language Immersion
At LSI we believe that the best way to learn a language is to study in the country where the language is spoken. We want you to immerse yourself in the culture and truly ‘live the language'. This is the most efficient and satisfying way to learn the language, and remains at the core of LSI's language learning system.
LSI Levels
Upon arrival at any LSI school, we'll give you a comprehensive language level test so we ensure you go straight into the right level for you. LSI levels have been closely matched to the Common European Framework, TOEFL iBT, TOEIC, IELTS and University of Cambridge English examinations. To move up to the next LSI level you need to master our specific ‘level objectives', which you can demonstrate by test scores and class participation.
At LSI we understand that some students learn faster than others, so our course is tailored for you as the individual.There are regular opportunities to discuss with your teacher and contribute to the weekly plans for your class. This ensures you get more of what you need, more of the time.
Through systematic testing, monitoring your class participation and contant teacher appraisal, the school academic director will track your progress and will identify exactly when you have mastered the level objectives and are ready to move up to the next level.
Latest Materials
We're constantly reviewing the latest materials available for language learning. We provide you with what our academic team have identified as being the very best course books currently available for your level. We are also committed to providing the latest technology inside the classroom. We utilise the most cutting edge audio, video and web based resources.
E-LSI (E-Learning from LSI)
Our custom built on line learning system works alongside our classes to help you maximise your time with us. Through your unique log in, you can access your test scores, prepare for and record your 1-2-1 tutorials with your teacher and access a wealth of further learning resources to supplement and extend your in class learning.Your test results can also be analyzed to provide unique learning objectives for you, giving you the chance to study exactly what you need in order to progress.
E-LSI also provides a forum for discussion with classmates and teachers, where you can post your work, collaborate and enhance your learning experience.
Cultural Exchange
We are proud of and committed to the cultural exchange that happens within our centres. As you ‘learn and live the language' you will gain a greater understanding of the country in which you are studying. And as our students come from all over the world, our centres are not just places to learn languages, but are also places to meet and share experiences with people from a huge range of backgrounds and cultures. This is why our students find our programme to be such an enriching experience.
Quality Teachers
We understand that our students' single most identifiable measure of programme quality is the teacher.That's why at LSI we only work with highly motivated teachers, qualified with country specific teaching credentials.
LSI Language Levels
You only know a few words and phrases.
- 4-6 weeks study
You can communicate using very simple grammar and vocabulary
- IELTS 2-3
- TOEFL iBT 0-8
- TOEIC* L/R 120 - 224, S/W 80 - 159
- A1
- 4-6 weeks study
Lower Intermediate
You take part in conversations using basic grammar and vocabulary with acceptable accuracy.
- IELTS 3-4
- TOEFL iBT 9-56
- TOEIC* L/R 225 - 549, S/W 160 - 239
- A2
- 8-12 weeks study
You have better control of grammar and vocabulary. Errors still frequent but good understanding of the language.
- IELTS 4-5
- TOEFL iBT 57-86
- TOEIC* L/R 550 - 784, S/W 240 - 309
- B1
- 8-12 weeks study
Entry to vocational or academic preparation courses.
Upper Intermediate
You use a wide range of structures with a fair degree of accuracy.
- IELTS 5-6.5
- TOEFL iBT 87-109
- TOEIC* L/R 785 - 944, S/W 310 - 399
- B2
- FCE Grade B&C
- 8-12 weeks study
Entry to university degree and diploma courses, internships, or paid work in your host country.
You communicate very well using most structures accurately.
- IELTS 6.5+
- TOEFL iBT 110-120
- TOEIC* L/R 945+, S/W 400+
- C1 & C2
- FCE Grade A
- Progress varies
Entry to postgraduate degree courses or work in your host country.
* TOEIC has two scores for Listening/Reading and Speaking/Writing
On Arrival at LSI
Moving to an unfamiliar country, embarking on a fresh course of studies and meeting a multitude of new faces can be a confusing even daunting experience for many newly arrived students. At LSI we gently guide you through the process by providing all the necessary information and support you’ll require to make your stay with us happy and productive.
What to expect on your first day
As soon as you step into an LSI school, you’ll experience a warm welcome. Our friendly administration team and academic staff work together to settle you in.
Your first day and orientation talk will include:
- Student ID card and handbook
- In-depth placement level test
- Personal interview with a member of our academic team
- Introduction to school policies, syllabus and timetables
- Information about our social programmes, accommodation options and local transport
- Advice on the practicalities of living in your host country
- Presentation/tour of the school and facilities
- Presentation or walk around the local area
- Your first lesson(s) for Intensive courses
- Student Q & A
In addition, in some schools, you may receive:
- LSI branded merchandise
- City and transport maps