Goethe Zertifikat B2 (GZ) exam preparation at LSI Zurich

  • 30 lessons per week
  • 12 week course

The Goethe Zertifikat (GZ) is the first advanced level examination in German. Passing this examination shows you have a very good understanding of the German language are able to tackle standard German as well as a variety of dialects. Your written skills are as good as your spoken skills, which is why many universities and vocational colleges set this examination as an official entrance requirement.

The GZ tests the candidate's ability to use German in a wide variety of work and social situations. The LSI preparation course will give you a broad knowledge of the language, and help you develop the specific exam techniques required.

Emily Tai, Student, Taiwan
“I enjoyed my time at LSI Berkeley so much. All the teachers and are really kind and helped me all the time....”
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Emily Tai, Student, Taiwan

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