Working Holidays in Australia

A working holiday in Australia is the perfect way to improve your English whilst exploring this fascinating country. Young people from the ages of 18 to 30 can apply for either a Working Holiday Visa or Work and Holiday Visa and fund their travel and studies through paid work.

Whether you apply for the Working Holiday Visa or Work and Holiday Visa depends on which country you come from. For an up-to-date list check the relevant visa pages on the official Government website: Working Holiday Visa Countries and Work and Holiday Visa Countries.

Both types of visas allow you to:

  • Travel and work in Australia for up to 12 months
  • Study for up to 17 weeks
  • Work on a casual, part-time or full-time basis in any industry sector
  • Leave and enter Australia multiple times during the visa’s time limit
  • Extend your working holiday for a further 12 months when you work 88 days or more in specified work sectors (Working Holiday Visa or Work and Holiday Visa)

Whilst the visas offer a lot of flexibility, there are some requirements that applicants need to fulfill:

  • You need to be aged between 18 and 30*
  • Work for a maximum of 6 months for one employer*
  • Show proof of sufficient funds to sustain yourself and purchase your outbound ticket
  • Meet Australia health requirements. It is recommended that you purchase health insurance to cover your stay in Australia
  • Additional requirements on Work and Holiday Visa holders applicants only include having a functional level English, tertiary qualifications and a letter of support from their home

* Due to the restrictions on age and the limited length of work, some applicants prefer to apply for a Student visa where there are no restrictions for the lifetime of the visa.

Inga Katharina Radziejewski, Germany
“Since I want to study International Management I need as many foreign languages as possible in order to...”
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Inga Katharina Radziejewski, Germany

Application Process

Applicants for both types of working holiday visas, need to apply from their own country and processing applications generally takes up to 8 weeks. If applying for a second working holiday visa, this can be done directly in Australia. Please note, as visa caps apply on the Work and Holiday Visa, some applications may be turned down.

How LSI can help

When you combine your Working Holiday with an English language course at LSI Brisbane, we’ll help you find your feet and make the most of your time in Australia. You’ll receive practical advice about setting up a bank account, accessing local services, arranging health insurance and general travel advice. In addition LSI can advise on job searches and assist with CVs and interview techniques.  We can also arrange unpaid Demi-pair or paid au-pair placements during your Working Holiday Visa.